Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Just in Time for Diarrhoea Season

Antony Loewenstein's second book (which he describes as a "bestseller") has been released in India. Can't wait to see Bollywood's adaptation of it...

Antony writes:
I hope at least one billion Indians take a read
India has the largest illiterate population of any nation on earth, so there's definitely a market for it.



Blogger Chistery said...

First sentence..

My 2008 book The Blogging Revolution detailed the role of internet censorship in non-democratic nations and Western firms assisting repressive regimes monitor the web.

Appalling grammar. It almost makes no sense. Either his book is a very painful read from the very first sentence, or the publisher's proof-reader had a long and painful experience.

Given that it is about western firms assisting in internet censorship, I wonder if he talked to google, or just googled google?

10:44 AM  
Blogger kae said...

Depends on the price of the book and the quality/flamability of the paper.

I'm sure they'd find the pages useful to light their fires.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Minicapt said...

You can't google Google, because that would crash the net.


1:56 PM  
Blogger AR said...

If a billion Indians take a dump, they might find a use for his bokk...

12:39 PM  

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