Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Foxtrot Foxtrot Sierra

In need of a list of the 'phonetic alphabet', I turned to this Wikipedia article.

In nearly every country, the phonetic equivalent of the letter w, is "Whisky". So "wow" would be spelled as Whisky Oscar Whisky.

According to the Wikipedia:
In Saudi Arabia, where a diverse population results in English being used for many commercial communications, the NATO alphabet is used. However, because alcohol is banned, "Washington" or "White" replaces "Whiskey" for "W".

In Pakistan, where tolerance of alcohol varies, "Washington" often replaces "Whiskey" for "W". Additionally, "Indigo" or "Italy" replaces "India" because of historical and present conflicts between Pakistan and India
At least they tolerate Washington.


Blogger kae said...

Phonetic alphabet has been PC'd.

Now I've heard everything.

I suppose if they called W whiskey they'd have to say some blessing/caution afterward and the message would be lost.

5:52 AM  
Blogger kae said...

whisky (never shall it be in my presence) tango foxtrot

5:53 AM  
Anonymous Chistery said...

Seems a little silly to just stop there -

Bin Laden
Kill Jews
Useful Idiots
X-terminate Israel
Zionist Pig

9:25 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

You forgot R

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Chistery said...


And I'm changing "Farsi" for "Fatwah"

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Propose you change K to be "Kafir"
(unbeliever, infidel)

Excellent list though : )

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps R is for Rape. As in Sydney Sheik Fayez Mohamad who said a woman who dresses in a certain way is eligible to be raped.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous John said...

Just think of how long it took Chistery to think up and type out infantile list, the only effective outcome of which is that it reveals his own anti-Islamic hysteria.

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Lulu said...

"Just think of how long it took Chistery to think up and type out infantile list...".

John assumes Chistery is as slow-witted as himself. John probably believes that everyone has to mouth their words as they're typing them and needs to refer to the dictionary every third word. And then has to run the finished comment past the Collective for approval before hitting "submit".

Isn't that cute?

7:05 PM  
Anonymous John said...

No, Lulu, I do none of those things. You are projecting. It's just personally I couldn't be bothered typing out a 26-word list (well 25, he missed on) that is pointless, juvenile and unfunny. I'd rather have a cup of tea.

I'm sure your little quartet finds these offerings extremely witty. But that says more about you lot than the quality of Chistery's, ahem, humour.

9:00 PM  
Anonymous xyz said...

And yet you have made more than 26 posts here, the vast majority of which are pointless, juvenile and unfunny.

5:48 AM  
Anonymous Chistery said...


Yes I did spend a little more time creating a comment that I thought added to the original post, rather than simply expressing my feelings about other commenter's posts in shortish rants.

On the subject of time management, how many times have you checked back in to see if someone's added a new comment in burning need of a response from you?

I may be the one who is 'juvenile and unfunny', but you're the lurker that just bitches and moans about everything.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John = pointless uneducated loser

4:11 PM  
Anonymous John said...

And yet you have made more than 26 posts here, the vast majority of which are pointless, juvenile and unfunny.

Yes alphabet-brain, one day I hope to have made as many pointless comments on a half-dead blog as you have.

On the subject of time management, how many times have you checked back in to see if someone's added a new comment in burning need of a response from you?

No more than two or three times a day. I look at some blogs when I have the time; I comment on said blogs when my interests are roused or (as on this one) I see particularly stupid things that deserve a response. It's not rocket science.

I may be the one who is 'juvenile and unfunny', but you're the lurker that just bitches and moans about everything.

If the quality was better then I wouldn't have to "bitch and moan". And lurkers read but don't actually comment - it's what makes them lurkers.

John = pointless uneducated loser

What evidence do you have that I am uneducated? None, I'm guessing. Which makes your banal insult itself pointless.

8:15 PM  
Anonymous xyz said...

What does that even mean? Am I supposed to be insulted?

'one day I hope to have made as many pointless comments on a half-dead blog as you have.'

I suspect you have already made more comments here than I ever have but I am not planning on counting them for you.

Your insults never amount to much and, anyway, no one changes their views because an anonymous poster on a blog insulted them.

Why don't you try mounting an argument or two? Explain why our worldviews are wrong or why we are wrong on specific issues.

5:22 AM  
Anonymous xyz said...

'What evidence do you have that I am uneducated? None, I'm guessing.'

You guess wrong. An educated person ought to be capable of mounting the occasional coherent argument.

5:24 AM  
Anonymous foxy said...

"What evidence do you have that I am uneducated"

**your postings**

In rebuttal to that assertion, you could simply state any actual education you may have (beyond early high school) which is doubtful. Although if any, a slim chance of a pointless variant of an arts degree is on the cards.

Kind regards in anticipation, foxy

6:15 AM  

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