Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why is The Australian Apologising?

An apology appears in the Weekend Australian:
AN article published in The Weekend Australian on August 20 (" 'Anti-Israel bullies' hard centre bites in chocolate shop campaign", page 13) reported an anti-Israeli protest march on Israeli-owned Max Brenner chocolate shops.

The article reported comment from a number of people opposed to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against the continuing occupation by Israel of the West Bank and Gaza and that some of the BDS had descended into racist generalisations.

The Australian Friends of Palestine Association (SA) has noted that Israeli companies operating in Australia are being targeted, not Jewish companies. They have no criticism of the many shops operating in Australia which happen to be owned by persons of the Jewish faith. As noted in the article: "We stress that the BDS movement is an anti-racist movement that rejects all forms of racism including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia . . . They do not target any particular religious or ethnic group."

The Weekend Australian did not refer to nor intend any suggestion of racism or anti-Semitism on the part of the Australian Friends of Palestine Association (SA).

It is a complete lie to suggest that "Israeli companies operating in Australia are being targeted, not Jewish companies".

This blog has already reported on Australians for Palestine's attempt at boycotting Westfield, an Australian business, because of it's Jewish owner.

The Australian has nothing to apologise for. The Australian Friends of Palestine Association (a different mob) feature on their home page a blatant lie accusing Israel of perpetuating genocide and a "Holocaust" against the Palestinians. That is, a holocaust with Five-star hotels and a genocide where the population is growing exponentially... Still, they're only lies about Jews, right?

2GB's Ben Fordham can see right through these liars, having done a sterling expose on professional protester and Jew-hater, Brian Concannon. Audio here, well worth listening to.


Anonymous foxy said...

I see there's a lot of videos on the 'friends of' site.

Well here's one I found thats a little more accurate!

3:35 PM  
Anonymous foxy said...

Off to Max Brenners this am, then buying some gear at Seacrets (hopefully take some phamplets off a protestor and put them straight in the bin in front of them - again) and then off to buy an new computer with an Intel Sandy bridge chip in it - made in Israel.

I'll do all this while wearing my most comfortable sandals - Naots - made in Israel.

9:18 AM  

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