Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pure Poison ambivalent on freedom of speech

PP boyz Dave Gaukroger and Jeremy Sear – no doubt quite familiar with defamation actions – today defend Andrew Bolt's right to express himself freely but conclude their joint post with this odd disclaimer:
Of course, there’s a place for the courts to restrain dangerous speech – speech that seriously incites violence against a group. And there’s a place for the courts to restrain speech that directly flouts necessary court orders and contradicts the interests of justice – we disagree with Bernard Keane’s attempt yesterday to put Andrew Bolt and Derryn Hinch in the same category.

But the court system should not be an arbiter of tastelessness or offensiveness. It is not what it was designed to do, and placing it in that position is actually counterproductive.

The ill-informed, wrong-headed drivel that is served up by commentators like Bolt is part of the cost of freedom of speech, and it is a cost that we believe is worth paying. To paraphrase the apocryphal quote so often attributed to Voltaire: we may not agree with what you say, but we’ll defend to the death the right of people to call it small-minded, hollow, illogical, erroneous, spiteful rot.
Funny, criticise Jeremy for writing small-minded, hollow, illogical, erroneous, spiteful rot and he'll likely claim to be the victim of abuse, vitimisation and stalking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and ban you!

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Tom Paine said...

I don't understand what Jezza is going on about when he claims that Beck is stalking him. There are some days when Beck doesn't blog about Jeremy at all...

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Funny, criticise Jeremy for writing small-minded, hollow, illogical, erroneous, spiteful rot and he'll likely claim to be the victim of abuse, vitimisation and stalking"

I think it's more the fact that you don't restrict yourself to what he writes, but his appearance, his partner, his pets, his hearing loss, his career.....

You're a guttersnipe. Nothing wrong with that, but acting like you have some kind of moral high ground is bullshit.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Ron Jeremy said...

I think Sear is a know-all with about as much credibility as Milli Vanili. He is a hypocrite who has pulled some pretty silly capers over the years.

But another minor blogger posting about Sear five times a week? Well that is at least the equal of any of the shit that jeremy has done.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you don't restrict yourself to what he writes, but his appearance, his partner, his pets, his hearing loss, his career..... .

Those are all things Jeremy writes about &/or includes in his blogs.

If he thinks they should be off limits, he probably shouldn't write about them.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's on the internet so it's fair game".
I believe I have seen this before on another right wing blogg (sic).

8:30 AM  

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