Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Darryl Mason, who claims to be a "writer and editor", writes and edits this:
After reading through a list of all the pharmaceuticals Michael Jackson took before he died, only two words come to mind : drugpussy.
Hey Darryl, that would be one word. Then there's this example of sublime idiocy ... And while we're talking about lefties with delusions of creative grandeur, there's this.


Anonymous DARRYL MASON said...

I don't know why you bother with this moron. He's not an even a real person.

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Damian Lataan said...

Wow Beck; you've certainly got a nose for the really big important stories that the MSM seem to have missed out on. Impressive.

7:25 AM  
Anonymous alex said...

"Wow Beck; you've certainly got a nose for the really big important stories that the MSM seem to have missed out on. Impressive."

And yet when Beck DOES mention a story that seems to have gripped the MSM - Ms Semenya's alleged gender issues, for example - you then accuse him of being a racist.

At least try to be consistent in your lunacy, you bigoted racist hypocrite.

9:37 AM  
Anonymous richard ryan said...

NICE to see that racist bigoted hypocrite that goes by the name of Macca, has been banned for good from Bolt's blog. He was a dag on Bolt's bum for years.

5:39 AM  
Anonymous Richard Ryan said...

Macca they say when he was born,his mother threw rocks at the stork,because he was so physically repugnant.

5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's dead. So what does a drug tough nut look like?

10:24 PM  

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