Tuesday, January 23, 2007


According to this, Barack Obama did attend a madrassa but it's no big deal. I'm inclined to agree. It is a bit of a worry, however, that Obama is now an avowed Christian. I mean, how are the worlds 1.2 billion Muslims going to react if an apostate Muslim becomes president? Food for thought.

Update: Investor's Business Daily reckons concern over Obama's Muslim background is misguided; the real worry is his black militancy:
Obama embraced more than Christ when he answered the altar call 20 years ago at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Southside Chicago. The 8,000-member church describes itself as "unashamedly black" and holds classes in "African-centered Bible study." He also pledged to honor something called the "Black Value System," which is a code of nonbiblical ethics written by blacks for blacks.

This is what should give American voters pause.

According to its Web site, Trinity puts the "black community" first. Black members are encouraged to pursue education and skills exclusively to advance their community, and allocate their money exclusively to support "black institutions" and black leaders.

In short, it preaches from the gospel of blackness and black power. There's little room for white Christians at Obama's church. It disavows the pursuit of "middleclassness" — code for whiteness — arguing that middleclassness is a conspiracy by white leaders to keep talented African-Americans "captives."
So maybe those who speculated Obama's a Manchurian candidate got it wrong: his puppet-masters are blacks, not Muslims. Hey, he's a smoker; maybe it's big tobacco pulling his strings.

Editing note: the spelling of Manchurian corrected.


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