Thursday, August 17, 2006


Probably the longest quote spoken to and taken down by Antony Loewenstein in My Israel Question is from a cousin who corners the "rebel" author in a public men's toilet [I am relieved to learn he uses the men's toilet - ed.] (page 36):
Your work is influential and read by many people and I just think you should think about what you're writing and the effect that it has. If there is trouble for your paents you'll know why. After all we've been through. You write well but your work is ignorant. I know many Jews and non-Jews who find your work appalling. It's discussed and that's what many people think.
"Influential", "read by many", and "you write well" are relative terms that might well be disputed by those outside Loewenstein's family. But a family member's opionion of Loewenstein and his work isn't what I find interesting: what I want to know is, how did Loewenstein capture this quote? Did he wear a "wire" to the family outing? Or did he perhaps scrawl verbatim notes on the wall above the urinal while taking a leak? Who cares, the incident just doesn't ring true.

True or not, this is the only notable example of dissent sifling abuse offered up by Loewenstein. Sure, he talks about the "hornet's nest" (page 32) he has descended into but he fails to offer up any significant examples of the attempted silencings he so often refers to on his blog. Loewenstein's a self-promoting cry baby.

Correction: I was incrrect to describe this as "probably the longest quote spoken to and taken down by Antony Loewenstein...". Probably the longest quote, also from a family member, is here.


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