Sunday, May 07, 2006


Naomi at Mark Bahnisch's day care for PhDs reckons it's unAustralian to dob in welfare cheats because welfare fraud isn't really a crime. According to Naomi the government's welfare crackdown has forced people to do all sorts of horrible things like, you know, commit to enduring relationships:
Centrelink expects single mothers to ask their boyfriends to support them and their children, but I'm sure it's not easy to give up the fragile independence of a welfare cheque, and it's a big impost on the bloke. Under such circumstances fraud is understandable.
Even though the government has recouped some $10 billion from welfare cheats, this is, according to Naomi, small change compared to the crimes of fatcats with government connections:
Yes, that sounds like heaps, but it's only slightly more than the Australian Government was prepared to allow the Australian Wheat Board to gouge out of the UN's Oil for Food programme.
Click on the link and read the comments; they're a hoot – nothing's quite as funny as lefties gone all ranty.


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