Friday, October 21, 2005


As noted earlier, lefty Australian academic blogger Tim Lambert found some of the comments directed at friend and colleague Waleed Kadous by Tim Blair's commenters so offensive they shouldn't be viewed:
I really don’t recommend looking at the comments to Blair’s post unless you are interested in reading paroxysms of anti-Muslim hatred and bigotry from the Blair fan club.
When regular Blair commenter wronwright pointed out to Lambert that many of the comments were meant to be humourous and that lefties lack a sense of humour, Lambert replied:
Yes, because the Blairorrhoids who called Waleed a “liar”, a “Terrorist-PR flunky”, “scum” and a “shit-head” who should “piss off” out of Australia were just being humorous. Nice company you keep there, wronwright.
It's obvious Lambert's right into civility. It is a bit odd then that Lambert has allowed the following comment – aimed at friend and colleague Kadous – to remain in place at his blog:
[N]ever trust a sandnigger, only when thet [sic] are dead.
What makes this really odd is that the comment originally where the sandnigger comment eventually ended up – comment #3 in the thread – was deleted. The comment, which asked Lambert if he is an idiot, wasn't there long before it stealthily disappeared – the assumption being that he removed it as soon as he became aware of it.

Obviously Lambert's more concerned about a rhetorical question about his mental ability then he is about a slur directed at friend and colleague Kadous. Oh well, what's friendship when there are political points to be scored?

(Despite my small readership, Lambert bounces my links – he apparently sees me as some sort of threat – so you'll have to copy and paste the following link if you want to view his post and comments: . Funny, even though Lambert can't stand Tim Blair, he doesn't bounce Blair's links; he's apparently willing to tolerate Blair's links because of the traffic they generate. Hypocrite, and humourless, the usual lefty combination.)

Update: Kadous was originally incorrectly spelled Kaldous. Corrected.


Anonymous Annabelle. N. Smith said...

That your links are being bounced is the sign of a petty and trivial enemy.

7:07 AM  

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