Friday, October 28, 2005


Mark Steyn on the problems confronting Republicans, and Democrats:
For a week now, I’ve woken up to emails beginning ‘Happy Fitzmas, asshole!’ — a seasonal greeting from prematurely ejaculating lefty gloaters. ‘Fitzmas’ is the Left’s designation for that happy day when federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald hands down indictments against Libby, Rove, and maybe Cheney, and — boy oh boy, who knows? — maybe Chimpy Bushitlerburton himself. Pat Fitzgerald has been making his list, checking it twice, found out who’s naughty or nice, and he’s ready to go on a Slay Ride leaving Bush the Little Drummed-Out Boy and the Dems having a blue blue blue blue blue-state Christmas in November 2006, if not before.
It's written for a British audience and the Spectator's registration system is a pain but you really do want to read this Steyn piece. Do it.

Oh yeah, speaking of prematurely ejaculating lefty gloaters, there's this.


Anonymous The_Real_JeffS said...

JF, I find that if you wait a week or so, the previous column appears on Steyn's own web site. While not timely, they are usually worth the wait -- that's how I read that one on Russia.

I so look forward to reading this one!!!!

9:05 PM  
Anonymous C.L. said...

I think you're right about prosecutorial witch hunts. (If that's what you mean). Could anyone survive such scrutiny about things they may or may not have uttered years ago? It's getting ridiculous.

On the other side of the aisle, I read Tom Delay saying the other day that he was a victim of the "politics of personal destruction." Well maybe. But that's the game virtually all of them are playing. (All of US play). Plenty of Republicans went ballistic on Harriet Miers as well - in a way that was just a smidgen neurotic, IMO.

6:22 PM  

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