Monday, May 30, 2005


In an attempt to milk a few more hits off of his recent attack on Chrenkoff, Tim Dunlop posted this follow-up:
The front page of The Washingston Post this morning has a moving photograph of a Marine presenting a folded flag to a boy whose father died in Iraq. Please don't anyone tell Arthur Chrenkoff or we'll be treated to another treatise on the evils of a biased media and another modest suggestion that they should only show kitten photos.

This is the Memorial Day Weekend. Remembering the fallen is our duty as citizens. It is a particular duty of those who cheer others off to fight in wars they have no intention of joining themselves. And bad luck if that doesn't fit with anybody's "good news" agenda.
To which James Morrow commented:
"Our duty as citizens?"

Since when are you an American citizen? Nice try, trying to leverage a photo of a family's tragedy into scoring cheap debating points against a blogger.
Oops. I'll bet that's the last we'll hear of that from Dunlop.


Anonymous The_Real_JeffS said...

Heh. Dunlop is spinning this for minimum damage to his already frail ego. Maybe he should blog about birds or something like that, the idiot.

2:45 PM  

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